Our leather bags are made of the highest quality genuine leather. They are made to the same specifications as our Cordura bags. Just like our other bags these are top of the line bags, unlike anything else on the market.
The bag features the main compartment for your sleeves and the front pocket for your rubber gloves. The 2 side pockets act as an easy location to store your work gloves when you transition to your rubbers or a multi meter. The bag is made from cordura and genuine leather. It features inward seam that makes the bag more streamline and less susceptible to snagging. For quick and easy storing hanging on your bucket each and every bag comes with a rated carabiner. With every one of our bags you get to customize your bag to your specific style. You get choice of color ways, choice of embroidery, and choice of what color your embroidery will be.
If there is a colorway of the colors we have in "STOCK" please put the colorway in the notes box at checkout. No product should say unavailable. If it does please reach out.
Any questions prior to purchasing; please contact us at @_drakepower_ on instagram or khagins.drakepower@outlook.com